About this privacy policy.

Andresna House takes our obligations to you under Data Protection very seriously. The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) puts you, the customer, in control of your personal data, in terms of how it is used and secured. For your convenience, we have prepared this summary of our Data Protection Notice.

Who we are.

When we talk about 'Andresna House', or 'we' or 'us', we are talking about Andresna House, Andresna Td., Corrigeenroe, Via Boyle Po., County Sligo, c/o Andreas Brandt, proprietor, registered in Ireland as sole trader. Andresna House prides itself on outstanding customer service and friendly, homely atmosphere. As an outstanding lakeside boutique B&B, we see ourselves as a host for gentle tourism, deceleration and environmental awareness with a wide range of activities and attractions.
For more information visit 'About us'.

What personal data we collect.

We only collect the minimum amount of personal data required, to deliver the products or service that you purchase from us. Typical examples of the personal data we collect and hold includes information required to identify you, your contact details and information in relation to the products and services you obtain from us, your credit card details to facilitate payment, or any other data you provide which is necessary to ensure we meet your requirements.

How we obtain and process your personal data.

We will obtain personal data from you directly when you contact us online, by telephone, email or post. We may also obtain your personal data if you book and pay for our services through our Partners, who act on our behalf and to the high standards we require in terms of data collection and data security.

Our legal bases for using your personal data.

Whenever we request or process your personal data, we must have a legal basis to do so. We take this obligation very seriously, and will only request and obtain information from you under the following circumstances:

1: Performance of our contract with you

We process your personal data in order to be able to provide you with the very best customer experience in terms of products or services that we have agreed with you.

2: Compliance with our legal obligations

We are required to process your personal data to comply with various legal and regulatory obligations, for example complying with our obligations under Company law to retain records of transactions.

3: Where you provide consent

We may, at times, request your consent to process your personal data for specific reasons. For example, we will request your consent to occasionally advise you of our products, services or special offers that we believe may be of interest to you. We will only share your personal data with our own carefully selected Business Partners who work on behalf of Andresna House, and we will not share or divulge your personal details to any third parties whatsoever. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time.

4: In our legitimate interests

We will process your personal data to help us to conduct our business in a responsible and commercially prudent manner. Activities carried out on this basis include: premises security through CCTV, analysis of customer transactional data to help us develop new products and services, and direct marketing of our products and services. When we process your personal data in our own interests, we will at all times ensure that there is a fair balance between our interests and your rights and freedoms.

Sharing your personal data

We will share your personal data within Andresna House and with third parties where required for business, legal and regulatory purposes, including with:
• Trusted third parties who perform services for us, including IT providers, Booking Agents, Travel Agents or those who perform entertainment or other services for Andresna House.
• Statutory, Regulatory and Law enforcement authorities, as required by law.
Where such third parties operate internationally, we will take steps to ensure that any transfer of your personal data outside of the European Economic Area (EEA) is managed carefully in full compliance with applicable data protection law.

How long will we keep your personal data

We will retain your information for no longer than is necessary for the purpose for which it was obtained by us or as required or permitted for legal, regulatory, and legitimate business purposes, including, but not limited to dealing with any claim or dispute that might arise in connection with the services you receive from us.

IP Addresses

An IP address is a number that is assigned to your computer automatically when you use the internet. When you visit any web page in our website, our servers log your IP address. We may use your IP address to help diagnose problems with our server and to administer our website. Your IP address is also used to help identify you and to gather broad demographic information.


A cookie is a small file sent to your browser from a Web server and stored on your computer's hard drive to identify you as the user of the website. Many internet sites use cookies. Typically they are used by the website to identify the person accessing the website to track the person’s use of the site and any repeat visits made by that person.

By using our website, you agree that we can place these types of cookies on your device. Your browser will give you the option of preventing websites using cookies, or deleting cookies that have been accepted. Your browser’s help service or help manual will show you how this is done. If you do not want your browser to accept cookies, you can “turn off” the cookie acceptance setting on your browser setting. However you must note that this may stop our website from working properly on your device. If you do not change your browser settings to refuse cookies, our website will issue cookies when you visit our website. If you continue to use our website, you agree and consent to our use of cookies on your device.
For more information visit our detailed Cookie Policy.

Accessing Your Information

You are entitled to see the information we hold about you. On written request, we supply copies of your personal data which you may have supplied to us using our website. If you wish to obtain copies of this personal data, you should write to the Data Protection Officer of Andresna House, Andresna House, Corrigeenroe, Via Boyle Po., Co. Sligo, F52 FK13 and request a copy of any information held by us in your capacity as a Data Subject. There is no charge for such a request of your personal data. Your request will be dealt with as soon as possible and will not take more than 30 days to process. In the event that your request is unusually complex, or requires us to obtain additional information, we may extend this timeframe, and will advise you fully of this, together with providing an explanation to you. If you discover Andresna House holds inaccurate information about you, you can request that we correct that information. In certain circumstances, you may also request that data which you have supplied via our website be deleted (although you should note that if you request a deletion, you would generally be expected to identify some contravention of data protection law in the manner in which Andresna House processes the data concerned). Upon written request, we will supply you with a Data Rectification/Erasure Form for this purpose.

Contacting Us

If you are concerned about how your personal data is processed by our website, please do not hesitate to bring these concerns to our attention using the contact details below respectively on the side bar of this page.